Articles in this category How can i make my LED display and gas level reading more accurate in my gas tanks? All gas cylinders have design limitations when they are used to send the gas level to the LED or to the manual gauge and this is simply because of the shape and size of the cylinder, the angle of the ... Which way should a GAS IT horizontal tank be installed? The inside of a GAS IT vapour tank. Fitting a gas tank, then you must protecting a underslung tank against stone chips and so forth. GAS IT Under seal. Pt Number GI-SPR-001 Can I connect a GAS IT bottle and GAS IT tank together? There is technically no limit to the number of GAS IT bottles or GAS IT tanks that you can can connect together from 1 fill point so they all fill together ( you can also mix and match GAS IT bottles... How close can a tank be near an exhaust? Technically you can fit a tank within 1mm of a exhaust, we say 1mm as we don’t want them to touch as it would eventually wear through the tank, but that would be really bad practice and one we and eve... Where can i install a GAS IT tank on a vehicle? The normal place to fit a GAS IT tank is underneath as its a win win location because it frees up internal gas locker space and also put all the high pressure gases outside the vehicle but in reality ... How big is the GAS IT Generation 2 Airbox, and why is it fitted. In 2014 we introduced the GAS IT Generation 2 red vapour take off gas tank's which included several groundbreaking safety enhancements to the GAS IT red vapour tanks, and these enhancements can not be... What's inside a GAS IT vapour tank? What size's are your GAS IT underneath red gas tanks? Whilst we word the main header for the GAS IT tank(s) on our webshop as 200 x 25 for example (which in the industry standard ) and which means 200 diameter x 25 ltr ( water capacity ), we do give the... Are all refillable gas tanks the same as GAS IT?'s GAS IT are unique in the UK self refillable market because not only do we order all our GAS IT tanks and gas bottles directly from the manufacturers but we also do not take their off the shelf tanks a... How many straps do I need to hold a horizontal tank under my vehicle. If your fitting a gas tank under a vehicle that uses metal straps or hoops that go around the tank, and the weight of the gas tank is held by the metal straps, then the answer is simple - you have to ... How many tanks can I connect together You can connect any number of GAS IT gas tanks together from 1 fill point, or 2 fill points if you want to so you can fill them from either side of a big motorhome or trailer. The sizes of the GAS IT ...